Authorisation Centre Proposal (2)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Between Australian Unique Ridge Analysis and 360 Degree Change Transformation Pvt. Ltd.



(Australian Unique Ridge Analysis)

Authorisation Centre Fees

25,000 USD + Taxes

Courses offered by Team 360

1. Ridge Analysis

    • Software of Ridge Analysis.
    • Ridge Analysis Report Counselling.
    • Scanner

2. Ridge Analysis Remedial Programme

    • Slides (PPT)
    • Ridge Analysis Remedial Music
    • 10 Days Programme

3. Ridge Analysis Advance Remedial Programme-1 (ESP, Photographic).

    • PPT
    • 4 Ridge Analysis Remedial Music
    • 15 Days Programme
    • 250 Exercises

4. Ridge Analysis Advance Remedial Programme-2 (Quantum Speed Reading)

    • PPT
    • 1 hours music

5. Ridge Analysis Advance Remedial Programme-3 (Brain Engineering)

6. Ridge Analysis Advance Remedial Programme-4 (Dynamic Memory)

7. Ridge Analysis Advance Remedial Programme– 5 (Personality Development)

8. Marketing Training – Ridge Analysis Franchisees Business Development.

9. Photos, Videos, Banner, PPT, Software.

10. You would have to pass exam conducted by Australian Unique Analysis Institute.

11. After passing Ridge Analyst Exam you will get Certificate of Australian Unique Analysis Institute.

12. Training for Ridge Analyst Exam will be given by Team 360.

13. Exam Fees would be borne by Team 360.

14. One Authorisation Centre is considered as one person so only one person will get chance to take exam and can get Certificate weather two or three people are taking Authorisation Centre but only one person will get chance to take exam out of them.

15. If there are four members in family they all can take Authorisation Centre Training. But only one person can take exam and can get Certificate.

16. After Sales Service

    • Telephonic Support for Ridge Analysis (Related to School, Coaching, Own Coaching, Digital Marketing).
    • In this proposal Authorisation Centre will get one Seminar/ Class / Training / Meeting New People – School, Coaching, Open Seminar free of cost.
    • TO and FRO Charges would be borne by Authorisation Centre.
    • Stay charges would be borne by Authorisation Centre.

Works you be done by Australian Unique Ridge Analysis

  1. Certification after online exam.
  2. Training and motivation talks.
  3. Sponsoring of new Authorisation Centre.
  4. Material belonging to training to Authorisation Centre.
  5. Monitoring of Authorisation Centre.
  6. Get deposited fees in 360 Degree Change (T) Pvt. Ltd. Bank Account from Authorisation Centre.


  1. As we have discussed the business module regarding certificates and expending business in Australia. Here are few points that to be known in detail known in detail.
  2. As discussed earlier that all the things related to sale Authorisation Centre would be conducted by Team 360 such as making and uploading business advertising video on Social Media (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook), giving training of all module to Authorisation Centre, all materials related to business Authorisation Centre would be installed in franchisee’s laptop.
  3. After completing training, exam would be conducted by Team 360 and certificate will be issued.
  4. After getting passed in AURA exam, your organisation will provide certificate in name of Authorisation Centre.
  5. In that case you will get Rs. 15,000/- per certificate. If you give training to the Authorisation Centre then Rs. 5,000/- in extra would be given to you. Total amount would be Rs. 20,000/-.
  6. If you sale our product in India, Australia then it is supposed to charge 25000 USD from Authorisation Centre. In that case AURA will get 8000 USD for giving certificate and training to the Authorisation Centre.
  7. After giving training and certificate, in order to develop confidence in participants AURA is supposed to impart training session through online system like Zoom App at-least for twice in a month.
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